As a leading figure in North America since the 1980s, we have dedicated ourselves to the provision of welding fume extraction solutions. This article presents the exposure limits established in Canada for some of the most prevalent hazardous metals and gases within welding fumes.
The formation of fumes occurs when a metal is heated beyond its boiling point, which causes its vapors to condense into tiny particles. These particles vary in size from 0.005 to 20 µm, but most are under 1 µm and can deposit throughout the respiratory system.
The composition of the fume is influenced by several factors including the type of material being welded, the electrode, the coatings, the flux, and the shielding gas, among others. In order to identify the hazardous and regulated substances in your workspace, air sampling is typically required. However, a good first step is acquiring information about the composition of the metals, gases, and consumables involved in the welding process.
Canada has 14 health and safety agencies, one for each province and territory, and a federal agency overseeing federal government employees.
Health and safety regulations for federal government employees
The Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OH&S), incorporated within the Canada Labour Code, apply to federal employees and those employed by specific companies or sectors operating across provincial or international boundaries. Approximately 6% of Canada’s workforce falls under federal jurisdiction, with the remainder governed by local authorities.
This article offers some key sections from the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations pertaining to welding fumes.
“Every ventilation system installed on or after January 1, 1997, to control the concentration of an airborne hazardous substance shall be so designed, constructed, installed, operated and maintained that […] it meets the standards set out in Part 6 of the National Building Code, the publication of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists entitled Industrial Ventilation, 20th edition, dated 1988, as amended from time to time, or ANSI Standard ANSI Z9.2-1979 entitled Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems, dated 1979, as amended from time to time. “
“An employee shall be kept free from exposure to a concentration of an airborne chemical agent […] in excess of the value for that chemical agent adopted by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, in its publication entitled Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs), as amended from time to time.”
You can find links to the ACGIH Threshold Limit Values at the end of this article.
The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has also issued a fact sheet on welding fumes and gases that may be of interest.
Get your hands on our exclusive guide full of actionable insights. Provide your email below and dive into:
- A compact guide packed with 30 powerful tips to tackle welding fumes effectively.
- Tailored information on regulations you need to know to stay compliant.
- Inspiring success stories from industry peers who’ve transformed their operations.
- Practical advice to help you select the ideal fume extractor tailored to your needs.
Health and safety regulations for welding fume for each province and territory
Each Canadian province and territory has its own specific health and safety regulations for welding fumes and exposure limits for hazardous substances. This article will delve into these regulations one by one.
Abbreviations used in the tables below:
- ALARA: Exposure must be kept As Low As Reasonably Achievable
- TWA: The Time-Weighted Average concentration for an 8-hour workday
- STEL: Short-Term Exposure Limit (maximum time-weighted average concentration for 15 minutes)
- C: Ceiling (concentration never to be exceeded)
- (r): Respirable portion
- (i): Inhalable portion
- (t): Total dust
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code – Welding Fume
In Alberta, the Occupational Health and Safety Code lays out the requirements for employers, and the Occupational Exposure Limits can be located in Schedule 1. Here is some important information to understand.
“An employer must ensure that a worker’s exposure to any substance listed in Schedule 1, Table 2 does not exceed its occupational exposure limits listed in Schedule 1, Table 2.”
“If no occupational exposure limit is established for a harmful substance present at a work site, an employer must ensure that a worker’s exposure to that substance is kept as low as reasonably achievable.”
“If no 15-minute occupational exposure limit or ceiling occupational exposure limit is listed for a substance in Schedule 1, Table 2, the employer must comply with the 8-hour occupational exposure limit, and ensure that a worker’s exposure to that substance does not exceed 3 times the 8-hour occupational exposure limit for more than a total of 30 minutes during a continuous 24-hour period, and 5 times the 8-hour occupational exposure limit, or the concentration that is immediately dangerous to life and health, whichever is lower.”
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Welding Fumes | ALARA | ALARA | ALARA |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Aluminum | 10mg/m3 | None | None |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Arsenic | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Beryllium | 2µg/m3 | 0.01mg/m3 | None |
Cadmium | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Cadmium compounds | 2µg/m3(r) | None | None |
Chromium metal & (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Chromium (VI) | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | None | None |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3 | None | None |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3 | None | None |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | None | None |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3 | None | None |
Molybdenum | 3mg/m3(r) 10mg/m3(t) | None | None |
Nickel | 1.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | None | None |
Tin metal & oxide | 2mg/m3 | None | None |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3 | None | None |
Vanadium pentoxide | 0.05mg/m3 | None | None |
Zinc oxide | 2mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 | None |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 0.5ppm | None | 2ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 3ppm | 5ppm | None |
Ozone | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm | None |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | None | None |
British Columbia Occupational Health and Safety Regulation – Welding Fume
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, organizations in British Columbia must meet legal standards, which apply to all workplaces under WorkSafeBC’s jurisdiction. Chemical and biological agents are addressed in Part 5.
Section G5.48-5 is crucial, focusing on welding fumes. Here are some critical excerpts.
“Except as otherwise determined by the Board, the employer must ensure that no worker is exposed to a substance that exceeds the ceiling limit, short-term exposure limit, or 8-hour TWA limit prescribed by ACGIH.”
“To determine the potential level of exposure to welding fumes, a systematic review of the base metal, electrode, and type of process is required. Information requirements for hazardous materials covered by WHMIS are found in sections 5.3-5.18 of the Regulation, and for all substances, in section 5.2. The safety data sheets (SDS) or other applicable information sources should be used to identify hazardous ingredients and expected products of reaction and decomposition. Information on electrodes, the metal(s) being welded or cut, and the specific type of welding process should also be identified.”
“Once the information on possible types of exposure has been determined, the Table of Exposure Limits for Chemical and Biological Substances should be consulted for the applicable exposure limit(s).”
In section G5.49, it is also said that: “If a substance referred to under section 5.48 is provided only with an 8-hour TWA limit, the employer must, in addition to the requirement of section 5.48, ensure that a worker’s exposure to the substance does not exceed three times the 8-hour TWA limit for more than a total of 30 minutes during the work period, and five times the 8-hour TWA limit at any time.”
For useful information about welding fumes and gases and tips on minimizing workers’ risks, WorkSafe BC offers a comprehensive page. The suggestions include using a method that produces fewer fumes, implementing local exhaust ventilation, enhancing general ventilation, and more.
Exposure Limit | TWA | STEL | C |
Chromium (0) & (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Chromium (VI), insoluble | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Chromium (VI), soluble | 0.025mg/m3 | None | None |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | None | None |
Iron | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 | None |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3(t) 0.02mg/m3(r) | None | None |
Nickel | 0.05mg/m3 | None | None |
Silver | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 | None |
Tin | 2mg/m3 | None | None |
Titanium | 10mg/m3(t) 3mg/3m(r) | None | None |
Carbon dioxide | 5,000ppm | 15,000ppm | None |
Carbon monoxide | 25ppm | 100ppm | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | None | None | 2ppm |
Nitrogen Dioxide | None | None | 1ppm |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | None | None |
For all other substances addressed in this article, ACGIH TLVs apply. ACGIH copyrights Threshold Limit Values, and they cannot be reproduced on other sites. Nonetheless, links to pertinent ACGIH webpages are available below.
ACGIH does not have a specific recommendation for welding fumes, so they fall under the Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated category. The ACGIH recommendation for this group is a TLV-TWAEV of 3mg/m3 for respirable particles (under 4 µm) and 10mg/m3 for inhalable particles (under 100 µm).
- Aluminum
- Antimony
- Arsenic
- Beryllium
- Cadmium
- Copper
- Lead
- Molybdenum
- Vanadium
- Zinc Oxide
- Argon*
- Helium*
- Nitric Oxide
- Nitrogen*
- Ozone
* Simple asphyxiant: a concentration limit is not included because available oxygen is the limiting factor.
Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act – Welding Fume
Under the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act, organizations in Manitoba must meet specified standards. Regulations concerning exposure limits can be found in chapter 36.5. Here is some critical information.
“In the case of an airborne substance for which the ACGIH has established a threshold limit value, establish an occupational exposure limit for the substance that does not exceed the threshold limit value established by the ACGIH.”
“In the case of an airborne designated material, establish an occupational exposure limit for the material that is as close to zero as possible and does not exceed the threshold limit value established by the ACGIH.”
“Designated material: a chemical or biological substance which meets the criteria as a carcinogen, mutagen, respiratory sensitizer or reproductive toxin under the Hazardous Products Regulations.”
In the absence of an ACGIH threshold limit value, a competent individual must establish one. Workplace conditions or workers’ health might necessitate the employer to set an occupational exposure limit lower than the ACGIH one to ensure safety.
In short, Manitoba companies must establish their Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) to safeguard their workers. They must also consider ACGIH recommendations as the maximum permissible OEL.
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Welding Fumes* | 3mg/m3(r) 10mg/m3(i) | None | None |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Aluminum | 1mg/m3(r) | None | None |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Arsenic | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Beryllium | 0.05µg/m3(i) | None | None |
Cadmium | 2µg/m3(r) | None | None |
Chromium (0) | 0.5mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Chromium (III) | 3µg/m3(i) | None | None |
Chromium (VI) | 0.2µg/m3(i) | 0.5µg/m3(i) | None |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3(r) | None | None |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | None | None |
Manganese | 0.02mg/m3(r) 0.1mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Molybdenum | 3mg/m3(r) 10mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Nickel | 1.5mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | None | None |
Tin, organic | 0.1mg/m3 | 0.2mg/m3 | None |
Tin oxide & inorganic | 2mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Titanium | 0.2mg/m3(r) | None | None |
Vanadium | 0.05mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Zinc | 2mg/m3(r) | 10mg/m3(r) | None |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 0.5ppm | None | 2ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 0.2ppm | None | None |
Ozone | 0.05ppm | None | None |
Phosgene | None | None | 0.02ppm |
New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act – Welding Fume
Companies in New Brunswick are governed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Welding regulations are laid out in chapter XVIII (Welding, Cutting, and Soldering), while exposure limits are detailed in chapter I (Interpretation). Here is some necessary information.
“Occupational Exposure Limit means, except with respect to lead sulfide, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, and any other air contaminant for which the Commission sets an exposure limit, a threshold limit value adopted by the ACGIH and set out in the ACGIH publication entitled 2016 Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.”
“An employer shall ensure that an employee is protected from the effects of harmful fumes and gases or particles emitted from welding, cutting, burning or soldering operations by providing a local exhaust system close to the source of the fumes, gases or particles in an indoor welding, cutting, burning or soldering area, and monitoring the work areas in proximity to the welding, cutting, burning or soldering area to ensure that the level of concentration of air contaminants does not exceed the levels or values referred to in section 24.”
Section 24 outlines the expectations for industrial ventilation systems and air quality control.
ACGIH owns the copyright for Threshold Limit Values (TLV) and they cannot be reproduced on other websites. To find out more about the 2016 ACGIH TLVs, contact WorkSafeNB.

Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Welding Fume
In Newfoundland and Labrador, the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act govern companies.
Part 6 (Occupational Health Requirements) contains information on Exposure Limits. Here are a few key sections related to welding fume, metals, and gases.
“An employer shall ensure that
(a) atmospheric contamination of the workplace by hazardous substances is kept as low as is reasonably practicable;
(b) a worker is informed of the nature and degree of health effects of the hazardous substances to which the worker is exposed;
(c) exposure of a worker to hazardous substances is as minimal as is reasonably practicable, and where a threshold limit value has been established by the ACGIH, exposure shall not exceed the threshold limit value;
(d) except as otherwise determined by the division, a worker is not exposed to a substance that exceeds the ceiling limit, short-term exposure limit, or 8-hour TWA (time-weighted average) limit prescribed by ACGIH; and
(e) where a substance referred to in paragraph (d) has an 8-hour TWA limit, a worker’s exposure to the substance does not exceed
(i) 3 times the 8-hour TWA limit for more than a total of 30 minutes during the work period, and
(ii) 5 times the 8-hour TWA limit.”
“TLV means the documentation of threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents in the work environment published annually or more frequently by the ACGIH.”
“ACGIH means the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.”
Welding regulations are provided in Part 21 (Welding, Burning, and Cutting Operations), with article 454 focusing specifically on ventilation.
“Effective local exhaust ventilation shall be used at a fixed work station to minimize worker exposure to harmful air contaminants produced by welding, burning or soldering.”
Links to the ACGIH Threshold Limit Values can be found at the end of this article.
Northwest Territories Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Welding Fume
In the Northwest Territories, employers must adhere to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
Part 6 (General Health Requirements) contains ventilation regulations. Here are a few relevant quotes when it comes to welding.
“An employer shall ensure the adequate ventilation of a work site; and, to the extent that is reasonably possible, render harmless, and prevent the accumulation of, any contaminants or impurities in the air by providing an adequate supply of clean and wholesome air and maintaining its circulation throughout the work site.”
“An employer shall provide a mechanical ventilation system at a work site that is sufficient and suitable to protect workers against inhalation of a contaminant and to prevent accumulation of the contaminant […] if any work, activity or process at the work site gives off a dust, fume, gas, mist, aerosol, vapour or other airborne contaminant that is hazardous to workers.”
“An employer shall, to the extent that is reasonably possible, ensure that a mechanical ventilation system […] includes local exhaust ventilation that is installed and maintained at or near the point of origin of the contaminant so as to effectively prevent the contaminant from entering the air of the work site.”
Lastly, Contamination Limits are laid out in Schedule O.
“If a chemical or biological substance set out in Schedule O is present at a work site, an employer shall, to the extent that is reasonably possible, provide adequate engineering controls to ensure that the contamination limit set out in Schedule O is not exceeded; and take steps to ensure that workers’ personal exposure does not exceed the contamination limits set out in Schedule O.”
Welding Fumes | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Aluminum | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | 1.5mg/m3 |
Arsenic | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Beryllium | 2µg/m3 | 0.01mg/m3 |
Cadmium | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Cadmium, respirable** | 2µg/m3 | 6µg/m3 |
Chromium metal and (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | 1.5mg/m3 |
Chromium (VI), soluble | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Chromium (VI), insoluble | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | 0.06mg/m3 |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.6mg/m3 |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.6mg/m3 |
Molybdenum, inhalable* | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Molybdenum, respirable** | 3mg/m3 | 6mg/m3 |
Nickel, inhalable* | 1.5mg/m3 | 3mg/m3 |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | 0.3mg/m3 |
Tin metal and oxide | 2mg/m3 | 4mg/m3 |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Vanadium pentoxide, respirable** | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Zinc oxide, respirable** | 2mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
** For respirable fraction, see Table B of Schedule O
CL | TWA | STEL | C |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | 190ppm | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 0.5ppm | None | 2ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | 38ppm | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 3ppm | 5ppm | None |
Ozone | 0.05ppm | 0.15ppm | None |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm | None |
Nova Scotia Workplace Health and Safety Regulations – Welding Fume
Under the Workplace Health and Safety Regulations, organizations in Nova Scotia must comply with certain requirements. Information about Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) can be found in Part 2 (Occupational Health).
“TLVs and BEIs means the latest version of the publication of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists of threshold limit values and biological exposure indices.”
“An employer must comply with, and ensure compliance with, the threshold limit values for exposure to all of the following, as listed in the TLVs and BEIs: gases; vapors; mists; fumes; smoke; dust; chemical substances; physical agents.”
Links to the ACGIH Threshold Limit Values can be found at the end of this article.
Nunavut Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Welding Fume
In Nunavut, the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations must be adhered to by employers.
Part 6 (General Health Requirements) includes regulations for ventilation. Here are some relevant excerpts regarding welding.
“An employer shall ensure the adequate ventilation of a work site; and, to the extent that is reasonably possible, render harmless, and prevent the accumulation of, any contaminants or impurities in the air by providing an adequate supply of clean and wholesome air and maintaining its circulation throughout the work site.”
“An employer shall provide a mechanical ventilation system at a work site that is sufficient and suitable to protect workers against inhalation of a contaminant and to prevent accumulation of the contaminant […] if any work, activity or process at the work site gives off a dust, fume, gas, mist, aerosol, vapour or other airborne contaminant that is hazardous to workers.”
“An employer shall, to the extent that is reasonably possible, ensure that a mechanical ventilation system […] includes local exhaust ventilation that is installed and maintained at or near the point of origin of the contaminant so as to effectively prevent the contaminant from entering the air of the work site.”
Finally, Contamination Limits can be found in Schedule O.
“If a chemical or biological substance set out in Schedule O is present at a work site, an employer shall, to the extent that is reasonably possible, provide adequate engineering controls to ensure that the contamination limit set out in Schedule O is not exceeded; and take steps to ensure that workers’ personal exposure does not exceed the contamination limits set out in Schedule O.”
Welding Fumes | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Aluminum | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | 1.5mg/m3 |
Arsenic | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Beryllium | 2µg/m3 | 0.01mg/m3 |
Cadmium, total | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Cadmium, respirable** | 2µg/m3 | 6µg/m3 |
Chromium metal and (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | 1.5mg/m3 |
Chromium (VI), soluble | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Chromium (VI), insoluble | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | 0.06mg/m3 |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.6mg/m3 |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.6mg/m3 |
Molybdenum, inhalable* | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Molybdenum, respirable** | 3mg/m3 | 6mg/m3 |
Nickel, inhalable* | 1.5mg/m3 | 3mg/m3 |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | 0.3mg/m3 |
Tin metal and oxide | 2mg/m3 | 4mg/m3 |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Vanadium pentoxide, respirable** | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Zinc oxide, respirable** | 2mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
** For respirable fraction, see Table B of Schedule O
CL | TWA | STEL | C |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | 190ppm | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 0.5ppm | None | 2ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | 38ppm | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 3ppm | 5ppm | None |
Ozone | 0.05ppm | 0.15ppm | None |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm | None |
Ontario Regulation 833, Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents – Welding Fume
In Ontario, Section 4 of Regulation 833, Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents, requires employers to limit workers’ exposure to specified hazardous biological or chemical agents.
“Every employer shall take the measures required by that section to limit the exposure of workers to a hazardous biological or chemical agent in accordance with the following rules:
1. If the agent is listed in the Ontario Table, exposure shall not exceed the TWA, STEL, or C set out in the Ontario Table.
2. If the agent is not listed in the Ontario Table but is listed in the ACGIH Table, exposure shall not exceed the TWA, STEL, or C set out in the ACGIH Table.
3. If the Table that applies under paragraph 1 or 2 sets out a TWA for an agent but sets out neither a STEL nor a C for that agent, exposure shall not exceed the following excursion limits: Three times the TWA for any period of 30 minutes. Five times the TWA at any time.”
Regulation 833 also stipulates that: “An employer shall protect workers from exposure to a hazardous biological or chemical agent without requiring them to wear and use a respirator.” Which means that welding fume extractors should be used to extract pollutants at the source.
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Welding Fumes* | 10mg/m3(i) 3mg/m3(r) | None | None |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Aluminum | 1mg/m3(r) | None | None |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Arsenic | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.05mg/m3 | None |
Beryllium | 0.05µg/m3(i) | None | None |
Cadmium | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Chromium metal & (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | None | None |
Chromium (VI) | 0.01mg/m3 | None | None |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | None | None |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3 | None | None |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3(r) | None | None |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | None | None |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3 | None | None |
Molybdenum | 3mg/m3(r) 10mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Nickel | 1mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | None | None |
Tin metal & oxide | 2mg/m3 | None | None |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3 | None | None |
Vanadium pentoxide | 0.05mg/m3(i) | None | None |
Zinc oxide | 2mg/m3(r) | 10mg/m3(r) | None |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 0.5ppm | None | 2ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 3ppm | 5ppm | None |
Ozone | None | None | 0.1ppm |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm | None |
Get your hands on our exclusive guide full of actionable insights. Provide your email below and dive into:
- A compact guide packed with 30 powerful tips to tackle welding fumes effectively.
- Tailored information on regulations you need to know to stay compliant.
- Inspiring success stories from industry peers who’ve transformed their operations.
- Practical advice to help you select the ideal fume extractor tailored to your needs.
Prince Edward Island Workplace Health and Safety Regulations – Welding Fume
Organizations in Prince Edward Island are required to follow the Occupational Health and Safety Act General Regulations. Welding regulations can be located in Part 37 (Welding), while Threshold Limit Values (TLV) are defined in Part 11 (Ventilation). Here is some pertinent information.
37.1 Ventilation
“Where welding or cutting or soldering operations emit harmful fumes and gases, the employer shall ensure that ventilation is provided which will remove the fumes at the source required to maintain the airborne contaminants at or below the permissible levels as outlined in Part 11 of these regulations.”
11.3 Threshold limit values
” Where the air of working areas is contaminated by vapors, fumes, gases, mists or other impurities which constitute a hazard to the health or safety of workers, suitable means of ventilation shall be provided by the employer to reduce contamination in the atmosphere at or below the threshold limit values specified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) in the 2019 edition of the publication “Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices”, as amended from time to time.”
Links to the ACGIH Threshold Limit Values can be found at the end of this article.
Quebec Regulation Respecting Occupational Health and Safety – Welding Fume
In Quebec, the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety governs companies. Schedule I lists Permissible Exposure Values (PEV) for gases, dust, fumes, vapors, or mists in the work environment. Chapter 107 specifies that local exhaust ventilation is required for welding.
“Local ventilation: Any localized source at a stationary workstation that emits dusts, gases, fumes, vapours or mists shall be equipped with a local exhaust ventilation system for trapping the dusts, gases, fumes, vapours or mists at their source.”
Division V introduces the table of permissible exposure values: “No worker in an establishment shall be exposed to a concentration of airborne oxygen below 19.5% in volume at normal atmospheric pressure; gases, fumes, vapours, dusts or mists, beyond the limits provided for in Schedule I.”
Finally, an essential note can be found in Schedule I.
“EXCURSION LIMITS: These limits apply to substances which do not have a short-term exposure value. Provided the time-weighted average exposure value is not exceeded, excursions in exposure levels may exceed 3 times that value for a cumulative period not exceeding a total of 30 minutes during a workday. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of those excursions in exposure levels may exceed 5 times the time-weighted average exposure value during any length of time whatsoever.”
Welding Fumes | 5mg/m3 | None |
Aluminum | 5mg/m3 | None |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | None |
Arsenic* | 0.01mg/m3 | None |
Beryllium* | 0.15µg/m3 | None |
Cadmium | 25µg/m3 | None |
Chromium metal & (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | None |
Chromium (VI)* | 0.01mg/m3 | None |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | None |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3 | None |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3 | None |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | None |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3(t) | None |
Molybdenum | 3mg/m3(r) 10mg/m3(i) | None |
Nickel | 1.5mg/m3(i) | None |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | None |
Tin metal & oxide | 2mg/m3 | None |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3(t) | None |
Vanadium pentoxide | 0.05mg/m3(i) | None |
Zinc oxide | 2mg/m3(r) | 10mg/m3(r) |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 35ppm | 200ppm | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride** | None | None | 3ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | None | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 3ppm | None | None |
Ozone** | None | None | 0.1ppm |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | None | None |
** Cannot be recirculated

Saskatchewan Occupational Health and Safety Regulations – Welding Fume
In Saskatchewan, organizations must abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Contamination limits can be found in Table 18, as explained in Section 21.6.
“If a chemical substance or biological substance listed in Table 18 of the Appendix is present at a place of employment, an employer shall: provide adequate engineering controls, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable to do so, to ensure that the contamination limit set out in Table 18 is not exceeded in any area where a worker is usually present; and take all practicable steps to ensure that no worker’s personal exposure exceeds the contamination limit set out in Table 18.”
Sections 6.2 and 6.3 outline the expectations regarding ventilation. Here are some excerpts that could be relevant to welding fume. As you’ll see, companies are encouraged to use welding fume extractors.
“(1) An employer, contractor or owner shall provide a mechanical ventilation system in a place of employment that is sufficient and suitable to protect the workers against inhalation of a contaminant and to prevent accumulation of the contaminant and ensure that the mechanical ventilation system is maintained and properly used, if any work, activity or process in the place of employment gives off a dust, fume, gas, mist, aerosol or vapour or other contaminant of a kind and quantity that is likely to be hazardous to workers; or substantial quantities of contaminants of any kind.”
“(3) If practicable, an employer, contractor or owner shall ensure that a mechanical ventilation system required by subsection (1) includes local exhaust ventilation that is installed and maintained at or near the point of origin of the contaminant so as to prevent effectively the contaminant from entering the air of the place of employment […]”.
Welding Fumes | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Aluminum oxide | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | 1.5mg/m3 |
Arsenic | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Beryllium | 2µg/m3 | 0.01mg/m3 |
Cadmium | 0.01mg/m3(t) 2µg/m3(r) | 0.03mg/m3(t) 6µg/m3(r) |
Chromium metal & (III) | 0.5mg/m3 | 1.5mg/m3 |
Chromium (VI), soluble | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Chromium (VI), insoluble | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Cobalt | 0.02mg/m3 | 0.06mg/m3 |
Copper fume | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.6mg/m3 |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Lead | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Manganese | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.6mg/m3 |
Molybdenum | 3mg/m3(r) 10mg/m3(i) | 6mg/m3(r) 20mg/m3(i) |
Nickel | 1.5mg/m3(i) | 3mg/m3(i) |
Silver | 0.1mg/m3 | 0.3mg/m3 |
Tin metal & oxide | 2mg/m3 | 4mg/m3 |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Vanadium pentoxide | 0.05mg/m3(r) | 0.15mg/m3(r) |
Zinc oxide | 2mg/m3(r) | 10mg/m3(r) |
OEL | TWA | STEL | C |
Argon* | None | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 30,000ppm | None |
Carbon Monoxide | 25ppm | 190ppm | None |
Helium* | None | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 0.5ppm | None | 2ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | 38ppm | None |
Nitrogen* | None | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 3ppm | 5ppm | None |
Ozone | 0.05ppm | 0.15ppm | None |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm | None |
Yukon Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act – Welding Fume
In Yukon, the Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act, which consolidates multiple regulations, governs employers.
Welding regulations can be found in Part 13 (Trades and Miscellaneous), articles 13.08 to 13.12 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Here are a few key sections.
“Any fixed workplace shall have effective local exhaust ventilation to minimize worker exposure to harmful air contaminants produced by welding, burning or soldering.”
“Work areas close to welding, cutting, burning or soldering shall be monitored to ensure that the concentration of the air contaminants is kept within the limits, as established by the Occupational Health Regulations.”
“Respiratory protective equipment shall be used only for short duration welding or burning operations if the use of effective local exhaust ventilation is not practicable.”
Finally, the Occupational Health Regulations list Permissible Concentrations for Airborne Contaminant Substances in Table 8.
Welding Fumes | 5mg/m3 | 5mg/m3 |
Aluminum | None | None |
Antimony | 0.5mg/m3 | 0.75mg/m3 |
Arsenic | 0.5mg/m3 | 0.5mg/m3 |
Beryllium | 2µg/m3 | None |
Cadmium | 0.05mg/m3 | None |
Chromium | None | None |
Cobalt | 0.05mg/m3 | 0.15mg/m3 |
Copper | 0.2mg/m3 | 0.2mg/m3 |
Iron Oxide | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Lead | 0.15mg/m3 | 0.45mg/m3 |
Manganese | 5mg/m3 | None |
Molybdenum | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Nickel | 1mg/m3 | 3mg/m3 |
Silver | 0.01mg/m3 | 0.03mg/m3 |
Tin oxide | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Titanium dioxide | 10mg/m3 | 20mg/m3 |
Vanadium | 0.05mg/m3 | None |
Zinc oxide | 5mg/m3 | 10mg/m3 |
Argon* | None | None |
Carbon Dioxide | 5,000ppm | 15,000ppm |
Carbon Monoxide | 50ppm | 400ppm |
Helium* | None | None |
Hydrogen Fluoride | 3ppm | 3ppm |
Nitric Oxide | 25ppm | 35ppm |
Nitrogen* | None | None |
Nitrogen Dioxide | 5ppm | None |
Ozone | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm |
Phosgene | 0.1ppm | 0.3ppm |
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Welding Fume
Threshold Limit Values (TLV) are copyrighted by ACGIH and cannot be reproduced on other websites. However, links to the relevant pages on their website can be found below. Use them to know the OELs to follow.
ACGIH has not published specific recommendations concerning welding fumes. Therefore, they are categorized under Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated. For this category, ACGIH recommends a TLV-TWA of 3mg/m3 for respirable particles and 10mg/m3 for inhalable particles.
- Aluminum
- Antimony
- Arsenic
- Beryllium
- Cadmium
- Chromium
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Iron Oxide
- Lead
- Manganese
- Molybdenum
- Nickel
- Silver
- Tin, organic
- Tin oxide & inorganic
- Titanium
- Vanadium
- Zinc Oxide
- Argon*
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Helium*
- Hydrogen Fluoride
- Nitric Oxide
- Nitrogen*
- Nitrogen Dioxide
- Ozone
- Phosgene
* A concentration limit is not included because available oxygen is the limiting factor.
Potential Health Risks from Welding Fume Inhalation
According to OSHA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and the CNESST, breathing welding fumes may lead to:
- Eye, nose, and throat irritation
- Dizziness and nausea
- Breathing difficulties potentially resulting in suffocation or asphyxiation
- Metal fume fever
- Lung damage and various types of cancer
- Stomach ulcers
- Kidney damage
- Nervous system damage
- Manganism
- Chest pain
- Asthma
- Bleedings
- Dermatitis or eczema
- Kidney disease
- Bone and joint disorders
- Siderosis (iron oxide in lung tissue after inhalation)
- Stannosis (tin oxide in lung tissue after inhalation)
- Anthracosis (poisoning after inhalation of carbon dust)
- Berylliosis (poisoning after inhalation of beryllium dust)
- Accumulation of fluid in the lungs
These are compelling reasons to ensure welder protection, meet established standards, and optimize pollutant extraction. The most effective means of achieving this is through the use of welding fume extractors.

Any Questions?
Feel free to contact us. We will help you protect your workers and comply with welding fumes standards anywhere in the US and Canada.